
Dry Bulk Cargoes

RBM HoldSolutions specializes in protection of shipping vessel holds from dry bulk materials – whether it be corrosive, or difficult to clean. The following dry bulk cargoes are discussed in more detail.

Bulk Shipping of Sulphur

Sulphur has a tendency to react with water to form acidic water. This water is corrosive to the holds in a ship and therefore precautions must be taken to ensure the integrity of the steel is maintained.

More on Sulphur Shipping

Bulk Shipping of Salt

When shipping bulk salt, moisture dissolves the salt, resulting in a liquid corrosive to metal. Care must be taken to protect the hold surfaces from contact with any liquid.

More on Salt Shipping

Bulk Shipping of Coal

In addition to the risk of dust explosions during transfer and methane release if coal reacts to air, coal can produce an acidic solution when coming into contact with water. A hold barrier is strongly recommended to maintain the hold integrity.

More on Shipping Coal

Bulk Shipping of Calcined Petcoke

Calcined Petcoke is considered inert and therefore doesn’t require a barrier application in the hold. However, it is difficult to clean the hold afterwards due to the intense black colour.

More on Shipping Calcined Petcoke

Bulk Shipping of Green Delayed Petcoke

Shipping of bulk Green delayed petcoke requires a good barrier to the ship’s hold, not necessarily for the corrosivity, but more so to make cleaning of the hold easier afterwards. The oils present in this product tend to coat the hold surfaces and therefore a barrier is recommended.

More on Shipping Green Delayed Petcoke

Shipping of other Bulk Dry Goods

The bulk materials above is not a comprehensive list of the products that RBM products are applicable to. If you have a material that needs to be shipped in bulk, please contact us where we can consult on which of our products may be right for you.

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